‘“Hist!”, Said Kate the Queen.’

Dante Gabriel Rossetti


Physical Description

Medium: oil
Dimensions: 12 3/4 x 23 1/2 in.

Production Description

Production Date: 1851
Exhibition History: B.F.A.C., 1883 (no.12; entitled: The Queen's Page and described as watercolour); Tate 1923 (no.19); Agnew 1961 (no.63); Newcastle 1971 (no.6); R.A., 1973 (no.58); Tate 1984 (no.31)


Current Location: Eton College
Archival History: Charlotte Polidori; W. Marshall; Stephen Edward Spring–Rice; Edward Dominic Spring–Rice and Mary Honora Booth; Eton College

Scholarly Commentary


Commentary is not yet available for this image.


‘“Hist!”, Said Kate the Queen.’
Subject: The painting is an illustration of lines from Robert Browning's Pippa Passes.
Copyright: ©The Provost & Fellows of Eton College


  1. image

    Surtees, A Catalogue Raisonné, vol. 2, (no. 38).
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    Masterpieces of D. G. Rossetti (Gowans and Gray), 9.
Electronic Archive Edition: 1
File Name: s49.rap.xml