Charles Augustus Howell

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

General Description

Date: 1865
Model: Charles Augustus Howell


◦ Cline, The Owl and the Rossettis

◦ Surtees, A Catalogue Raisonné, vol. 1, 169 (no. 337).

Scholarly Commentary


DGR met Howell (1840-1890) when Howell came to London in 1857. He left London in January 1858 and didn't return until 1864, when he began renewing his earlier acquaintances. By 1865 he had taken the post of Ruskin's secretary and was on regular terms with DGR and his circle. Known as “the Owl”, he was much sought after and even loved, despite his thoroughly shady ways and reputation. He acted as DGR's agent until 1876, selling scores of DGR's drawings and paintings, and while their business dealings ceased at that point, they remained on cordial terms.

One of Howell's most notorious exploits was managing the exhumation of DGR's book of poems from Elizabeth's grave in the fall of 1869. (See commentary for the Exhumation Proofs.

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