Winter Weather

William Morris

General Description

Date: 1856
Rhyme: a2a2b3c2c2b3
Meter: iambic
Genre: lyric


◦ Mackail, The Life of William Morris.

Scholarly Commentary

Guest Editor: PC Fleming


“Winter Weather,” the only poem in the January issue of The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine , is by William Morris. Critics have noted the similarities between this poem and “Riding Together” , which appeared in the May issue. Mackail posits this similarity as the reason “Winter Weather” was left out of Morris's later works; it is the only one of Morris's poems in The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine that was not included in The Defense of Guenevere (1858) (Mackail, 93).

Printing History

First printed in The Oxford and Cambridge Magazine , Janurary, 1856.

Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Source File: Morris002.raw.xml