page: [1r]
Manuscript Addition: 1
Editorial Description: Pagination number in upper right
Printer's Direction: This to be put as a model after the title
Editorial Description: DGR's pencil note to the epigraph
Note: The epigraph is at the foot of the page, keyed to the title by an asterisk.
“Vengeance of Jenny's case! Fie on her! Never name
her, child
if she be a whore!” (
Mrs. Quickly.)
- Lazy laughing languid Jenny,
- Fond of a kiss and of a guinea,
- Whose head is on my knee to-night,—
- (Have all our dances left it light
- With their wild tunes?)—Ah, Jenny, queen
- Of kisses which the blush between
- Could hardly make much daintier!—
- Nay,
- Poor flower left torn since yesterday
- Until tomorrow leave you bare!—
10Poor handful of bright spring-water
- Flung in the whirlpool's shrieking face!—
- Poor shameful Jenny, full of grace
- Thus with your head upon my knee;—
- Whose look, whose voice, whose purse may be
- The
lodestar of your reverie?
page: [1v]
Note: The verso facing page two carries various additions to the main text
scripted on the recto: in this case the additions comprise received lines 22-58,
73-75, 79-82 of this manuscript text.
Added Text
- This room of yours, my Jenny, looks
- A change from
yours s mine so full of books,
- Which, heaped and ranged,
[?] hold fast,
in truth
- So many
prisoned hours of youth,—
- The hours they
steal thieve from day and night
- To make one's cherished work come right,
- Yet leave it wrong for all their theft,
- And so to-night my work was left:
- Until I vowed that since my brain
- And eyes of dancing seemed so fain,
- My feet should have some dancing too:—
- And thus it was I met with you.
- Well, I suppose 'twas hard to part,
- For here I am. And now, sweetheart,
- You seem too tired to get to bed.
- The cloud's not danced out of my head
- That from my books so made it swim,—
- Books, books, still books, all glum and grim!
- Why,
as you sit beneath me
Jenny, as I watch you there,—
- For all your wealth of loosened hair,
- Your silk ungirdled and unlac'd
- And warm sweets open to the waist,
- All golden in the lamplight's gleam,—
- You know not what a book you seem,
Added TextHalf-read by lightning in a dream!
- How should you know, my Jenny? Nay,
- And I should be ashamed to say:
- Poor beauty, so well worth a kiss!
- But while my thought runs on like this
- With wasteful whims more than enough,
- I wonder what you're thinking of.
Added Text
- And from the ill-clad girl whose cheek
- Of the heart's strength that makes her weak
- And other nights than yours doth speak;
Added Text
- Pointing you out, what thing you are:—
- Yes, from the daily
jeer and jar,
- From shame and shame's outbraving too,
- Is rest not sometimes sweet to you?—
page: [2r]
Manuscript Addition: 2
Editorial Description: Pagination number in upper right
Whose purse is in your thoughts [?] till
- If of myself you think at all,
- What is the thought?—conjectural
- On sorry matters best unsolved?—
- Or inly is each grace revolved
20To fit me with a lure?—or
- To think!) perhaps you're merely glad
- That I'm not drunk or ruffianly
- And let you rest upon my knee.
page: [2v]
page: [3r]
Manuscript Addition: 3
Editorial Description: Pagination number in upper right
Note: DGR here begins recopying the text to clarify it in relation to the
additions he had made in the first copying.
“Vengeance of Jenny's case! Fie on her! Never
name her,
child!” (
Mrs Quickly.)
- For sometimes, were the truth confess'd,
- You're thankful for a little rest,—
From all
Glad from the crush to rest within,
- From the heart-sickness and the din
- Where envy's voice at virtue's pitch
- Mocks you because your gown is rich;
And from the ill-clad girl whose cheek
Added TextAnd from the pale girl's dumb rebuke,
Of the heart's strength that keeps her weak
Added TextWhose ill-clad grace and toil-worn look
Added TextProclaim the strength that keeps her weak
70And other nights than yours
doth speak
- And from the wise unchildish elf,
- To schoolmate lesser than himself
- Pointing you out, what thing you are:—
- Yes, from the daily jeer and jar,
- From shame and shame's outbraving too,
- Is rest not sometimes sweet to you?—
- But most from the hatefulness of man
page: [6v]
page: [7r]
Manuscript Addition: 7
Editorial Description: Pagination number in upper right
- Who
spares not to end what he began,
- Whose acts are foul and his speech hard,
80Who, having used you, afterward
- Thrusts you aside, as when I dine
- I serve the dishes and the wine.
- Well, handsome Jenny mine, sit up,
- I've filled our glasses, let us sup.
- And do not let me think of you,
- Lest shame of yours suffice for two.
- What, still so tired? Well, well then, keep
- Your head there, so you do not sleep;
- But that the weariness may pass
Ere bed-time, Jenny
And leave you merry, take this glass.
- Ah! lazy lily hand, more bless'd
- If ne'er in rings it had been dress'd
- Nor ever by a glove conceal'd!
- What, Jenny, are your lilies dead?
- Aye, and the snow-white leaves are spread
- Like winter on the garden-bed.
- But you had roses left in May,—
- They were not gone too. Jenny, nay,
110But must your roses die away?
- Even so; the leaves are curled apart,
- Still red as from the broken heart,
- And here's the naked stem of thorns.
Deleted Text
Why, Jenny, you're asleep, I said
At first, to
clear your drowsy head
We ought to have gone straight to bed.
- What Jenny, fast asleep? . . . . How fair,
So, so, she sleeps, how gently fair,
- With chin thus nestled in her hair,
- Mouth quiet, eyelids almost blue
- As if some sky of dreams shone through!
- Just as another woman sleeps!
- Enough to throw one's thoughts in heaps
170Of doubt and horror,—what to say
- Or think,—this awful secret sway,
- The potter's power over the clay!
- Of the same lump (it has been said)
- For honour and dishonour made,
- Two sister vessels.
Here is one.
page: [11v]
page: [12r]
Manuscript Addition: 12
Editorial Description: Pagination number in upper right
- My cousin Nell is fond of fun,
- And fond of dress, and change, and praise,
- So mere a woman in her ways:
- And if her sweet eyes rich in youth
180Are like her lips that tell the truth,
- My cousin Nell is fond of love.
- And she's the girl I'm proudest of.
- Who does not prize her, guard her well?
- The love of change, in cousin Nell,
- Shall find the best and hold it dear:
- The unconquered mirth turn quieter
- Not through her own, through others' woe:
- The conscious pride of beauty glow
- Beside another's pride in her,
190One little part of all they share.
- For Love himself shall ripen these
- In a kind soil to just increase
- Through years of fertilizing peace.
- It makes a goblin of the sun.
- So pure, so fallen! How dare to think
- Of the first common kindred link?
200Yet, Jenny, till the world shall burn
- It seems that all things take their turn;
- And who shall say but this fair tree
- May need, in changes that may be,
- Your children's children's charity?
- Scorned then, no doubt, as you are scorn'd!
- Shall no man hold his pride forewarn'd
- Till in the end, the Day of Days,
- At Judgment, one of his own race,
- As frail and lost as you, shall rise,
210His daughter, with his mother's eyes?
- If but a woman's heart might see
Such erring heart unerringly
- For once! But that can never be.
But truly
Yet, Jenny, looking long at you,
- The woman almost fades from view.
- A cypher of man's changeless sum
270Of lust, past, present, and to come,
Is left. A riddle that one shrinks
- To challenge from the scornful sphinx.
- Like a toad within a stone
- Seated while Time crumbles on;
- Which
has sat
sits there since
the earth was curs'd
page: [16v]
Note: Received lines 298-303 are composed on this verso as an addition to
the facing recto—substituting six lines for the five that DGR
had originally composed.
Added Text
- Come, come, what use in thoughts like this?
- Poor little Jenny, good to kiss,—
- You'd not believe by what strange roads
- Thought travels, when your beauty goads
- A man to-night to think of toads!
- Jenny, wake up. . . . Why, there's the Dawn!
page: [17r]
Manuscript Addition: 17
Editorial Description: Pagination number in upper right
For Man's
seed sinned
transgression at the first;
- Which, living through all centuries,
- Not once has seen the sun arise;
- Whose life, to its cold circle charmed,
280The earth's whole summers have not warmed;
And Which still—whitherso the stone
Added TextWhich always—whitherso the stone
- Be cast—sits there, deaf, blind, alone;—
- Aye, and shall not be driven out
- Till
the flint wrapping
that which shuts him
round about
- Break at the very Master's stroke,
- And the dust thereof vanish as smoke,
- And the seed of Man vanish as dust:—
- Even so within this world is Lust.
- And there's an early waggon, drawn
- To market, and some sheep that jog
page: [17v]
Note: Received lines 307-322, 333-336 are composed on this verso as an
addition to the facing recto.
Added Text
- And the
old streets
come peering through
The last dark
Another night that London knew;
- And all as ghostlike as the lamps.
Added Text
- So on the wings of day decamps
- My last night's frolic. Glooms begin
- To shiver off as lights creep in
- Past the gauze curtains half drawn-to,
- And the lamp's doubled shade grows blue,—
- Your lamp, my Jenny, kept alight,
- Like a wise virgin's, all one night!
- And in the alcove coolly spread
- Glimmers with dawn your vestal bed;
- And yonder your fair face I see
- Reflected lying on my knee,
- Where teems with first foreshadowings
- Your pier-glass scrawled with diamond rings.
Added Text
- And somehow in myself the dawn
- Among stirred clouds and veils withdrawn
- Strikes greyly on her. Let her sleep.
- But will it wake her if I heap
page: [18r]
Manuscript Addition: 18
Editorial Description: Pagination number in upper right
- Bleating before a barking dog;
And all as ghostlike as the lamps,
So on the wings of day decamps
My last night's frolic. Let her sleep
Will it not wake her, though, to heap
But will it wake her if I heap
- These cushions thus beneath her head
- Where my knee was? No,—there's your bed,
- My Jenny, while you dream. And there
300I lay among your golden hair
- Perhaps the subject of your dreams,
- These golden coins.
- For even the Paphian Venus seems
- A goddess o'er the realms of love,
- When
shrined, of silver, in some grove:
silver-shrined in shadowy grove:
- Aye, or let offerings nicely plac'd
330But hide Priapus to the waist,
- And whoso looks on him shall see
- An eligible deity.
page: [19v]
page: [20r]
Manuscript Addition: 20
Editorial Description: Pagination number in upper right
- Why, Jenny, waking here alone
- May help you to remember one!
- I think I see you when you wake,
- And rub your eyes for me, and shake
- My gold, in rising, from your hair,
- A Danaë for a moment there.
- Jenny, my love rang true! For still
- Love at first sight is vague, until
340That tinkling makes him audible.
- Only one kiss. Goodbye, my dear.
page: [20v]
page: [21r]
Note: Draft addition of received lines 220-229
- How Jenny's clock ticks on the shelf!
Does the face
Might not the dial scorn itself
With such [?] That has such hours to register?
- Yet
as to me, even so to her
- Are golden sun & silver moon,
- In daily largesse of
earth's boon,
- Counted for life-coins to one tune.
How [?] life [?] equal cost And if, as blindfold
chance is
fates are toss'd,
- Through some one man this life be lost,
10Shall soul not somehow pay for soul?
page: [21v]
page: [22r]
Note: Draft addition of received lines 323-332
- And on your bosom all night worn
- Yesterday's rose now droops forlorn
- But dies not yet this summer morn.
- And now without, as if some word
- Had called upon them
that they heard,
- The London birds that
rest upon ?
haunt no tree
- Clamour together suddenly;
And in the cage your bird awake
Joins in their song for the day's sake
Because here too the day doth break.
- And Jenny's cage-bird
grown awake
- Here in their song
some part must take,
10Because here too the day doth break.