Translation from Mamiani

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

General Description

Date: 1847 or 1848
Genre: prose list


LettersDW I. 50

Scholarly Commentary


DGR refers to this translation in a letter to WMR of 22 November 1848 (see Fredeman, Correspondence, 48. 13 ). No such translation has appeared, but DGR would certainly have been inclined to make one from any of the “Inni Sacri” written by Count Terenzio Mamiani della Rovere (1799-1855). These works run interesting parallels with DGR's Songs of the Art Catholic project that occupied so much of his interest in 1847-1848.

As he told his brother in his letter, DGR brought a line from this lost translation over to line 10 of the first of his “Mary's Girlhood” sonnets (“You will perhaps remember that in a translation of mine from Mamiani, there is the expression ‘an angel watered plant.’ This is not in Mamiani at all, but was my own addition, and therefore of course at my free disposal.”).

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