The Collected Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, vol. 2 (1886)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Production Description

Document Title: The Collected Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Editor: William Michael Rossetti
Publisher: Ellis and Scrutton
Printer: Hazell, Watson, and Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury
City of publication: London
Date of publication: 1886
Edition: 2
Pagination: [i-v], vi, [vii-xii], xiii-xvi, [xvii], xviii-xxvi, [xxvii], xxviii-xl, [1], 2-29, [30], 31-115, [116], 117-162, [163], 164-177, [178], 179-182, [183], 184-217, [218], 219-230, [231-233], 234-244, [245], 246-280, 281 mismarked as 28, 282-300, [301], 302-401, [402-404], 405-469, [470-472], 473-513, [514-516], 517-521, [522-524].
Collation: [a] 4; vol. ii. b 8; vol. ii. b 8; vol. ii. c 8; vol. ii. 1-32 8; vol. ii. 33 4; vol. ii. 34 1


Current Location: Library of Jerome J. McGann

Physical Description

Cover: Red leather with colored marble panel, gold tooled lettering and floral print on spine.
Endpapers: Colored marble (same as on cover panel)
Font: roman
Lines per Page: 38
Margin top: 16 cm
Margin bottom: 25 cm
Margin right: 20 cm
Margin left: 20 cm
Note on Typography: The above margins are for the prose and mixed prose/verse pages. The verse pages have the same top, right, and left margins but bottom margins vary widely from 21 to 57. The numbers of lines per pages of verse varies widely. For pages of prose in which no footnotes appear (footnotes having a smaller font), the number of lines is 38.
Watermark: none
Dimensions of Document: 7 1/2 in x 5 in 2 cm.


  • Fennell, Annotated Bibliography, 11.
  • Fredeman, Pre–Raphaelitism, 94.
Electronic Archive Edition: 1