This drawing, unrecorded by Surtees, was a gift from WMR to Mr. A. B. Cobb, in whose house in Birchington DGR was staying when he died. As the slip accompanying the picture shows, it was given to Mr. Cobb in January 1883. Though marked as an “unidentified portrait of a woman”, the drawing seems clearly an early picture of Fanny Cornforth.
This collection contains 1 text or image, including:
Pen and ink drawing (ca. 1861: private collection)
Scholarly Commentary
This drawing, unrecorded by Surtees, was a gift from WMR to Mr. A. B. Cobb, in whose house in Birchington DGR was staying when he died. As the slip accompanying the picture shows, it was given to Mr. Cobb in January 1883. Though marked as an “unidentified portrait of a woman”, the drawing seems clearly an early picture of Fanny Cornforth.