Included Text
Manuscript Addition: #135. Marillier.
c. 1862. p. 110
Editorial Description: Pencil notation at top right of board The reference is to Marillier,
DGR: An Illustrated Memorial
, 110.
Manuscript Addition: Pencil
Editorial Description: Pencil notation below print, center.
Manuscript Addition: Mansell
Editorial Description: Pencil notation below print, right.
Manuscript Addition: D.G.R.
Editorial Description: Pencil notation below print, left.
Manuscript Addition: The Scotch Girl —
Editorial Description: Pencil notation at bottom center of board.
Manuscript Addition: 150
Editorial Description: Pencil notation at left of board.
Manuscript Addition: “The
Laurel”— Study from a Scotch Model. c.
1862 (#135) Marillier.
Editorial Description: Pencil notation at bottom right of board. The reference is to Marillier,
DGR: An Illustrated Memorial
Manuscript Addition: 39 50
Editorial Description: Pencil notations at upper left of verso; 39 is encircled and a square
is drawn around 50.
Manuscript Addition: #135 The Laurel
Editorial Description: Notation at center of verso.
Manuscript Addition: 50
Editorial Description: Notation at right of verso.
Manuscript Addition: S.172
Editorial Description: Notation of Surtees number at bottom left of verso. The reference is to Surtees,
A Catalogue Raisonné
, vol. 1, 176 (no. 172).
Scholarly Commentary
Commentary is not yet available for this image.