The Reunion at Hannay's

Alternately titled: [Down Behind the Hidden Village]

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

General Description

Date: 1851 August 30

Scholarly Commentary


Enclosed in a letter to Walter Howell Deverell (30 August 1851), the drawing represents a number of the men who reunited a few evenings before at the house of James Hannay to welcome back the American poet Thomas Buchanan Read, who gave a recitation of his poem “Inez” (“Down behind the hidden village”). DGR said he couldn't draw everyone because the paper was “such beastly stuff to draw upon. . .and I fear that some may already be unrecognizable” (see Fredeman, Correspondence 51.18 and plate 3 (I. 181). The figures are: William Holman Hunt (reclining) and (left to right) Thomas Woolner, George MacDonald, Read, DGR, Alexander Munro, and Hannay.

Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Source File: sa246.raw.xml