Note: The paper on the right–hand side has been cut off in a diagonal direction.
Note: At the lower right there is an inscription:“Study by D.G. Rossetti from his wife from the “Delia” in his Tibullus' return
to Delia [date illegible].” Surtees also notes that there is, on the verso, another inscription by G.P.Boyce: “Study made
(probably 1855) from his wife (
née Elizabeth Eleanor Siddall) whom he maried in 1860, for the “Delia” in the “Tibullus' Return to Delia”, by Dante G. Rossetti.
The action of the head of Delia is different in this drawing from that in the subsequent watercolour drawing. The gift of
the artist to G. P. Boyce, December 6th, 1868.”
Production Description
Production Date: 1855 (circa)
Exhibition History: B.F.A.C., 1883 (no.108); Brussels,
Retrospective Exhibition of
British Art
, 1929 (no.151); Arts Council 1953 (no. 49); Ashmolean Museum,
Rossetti's Portraits of Elizabeth Siddal, 1991
Model: Elizabeth Siddal
Note: Elizabeth Siddal sat for Delia.
Current Location: Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery
Catalog Number: 403'04
Archival History: G. P. Boyce; Fairfax Murray; Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery
Scholarly Commentary
Commentary is not yet available for this image.