Included Text
- At tu casta, precor maneas; sanctique pudoris
- Adsideat custos sedula semper anus.
- Haec tibi fabellas referat, positaque lucerna,
- Deducat plena stamina longa colo
- Tunc veniam subito, nequisquam nuntiet ante
- Sed videar cælo missus adesse tibi
- Tunc mihi qualis eris, longos turbata capillos
- Obvia nudato, Delia, curre pede.
- Live chaste, dear love; and while I'm far away,
- Be some old dame thy guardian night and day.
- She'll sing thee songs, and when the lamp is lit,
- Fly the full rock and draw long threads from it,
- So, unannounced, shall I come suddenly,
- As t'were a presence sent from heaven to thee.
- Then as thou art, all long and loose thy hair,
- Run to me, Delia, run with thy feet bare!
Tibul Eleg ii
Note: The title is inscribed on the upper portion of the frame, with the poem in two columns at the base.
Scholarly Commentary
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