The title is a wordplay on the Tarpeian Rock; DGR's cartoon depicts the Topseian Rock (or cliff), with Morris being hurled down from heaven with a copy of his epic poem The Earthly Paradise to a hell waiting below. In the heavens are a saintly picture of Jane Morris as a Blessed Damozel and two patriarchal figures looking sternly at Morris's descent.
This collection contains 1 text or image, including:
British Museum Drawing
Scholarly Commentary
The title is a wordplay on the Tarpeian Rock; DGR's cartoon depicts the Topseian Rock (or cliff), with Morris being hurled down from heaven with a copy of his epic poem The Earthly Paradise to a hell waiting below. In the heavens are a saintly picture of Jane Morris as a Blessed Damozel and two patriarchal figures looking sternly at Morris's descent.