The M's at Ems

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

General Description

Date: 1869 July
Model: Jane Burden Morris
Model: William Morris


◦ Surtees, A Catalogue Raisonné, vol. 1, 211 (no. 605).

Scholarly Commentary


DGR sent the drawing in a letter to Mrs. Morris 0f 21 July 1869, the first of a series of letters with accompanying comical drawings that he dispatched to her while she was taking the baths at Ems in Germany. This one came with the following comment: “The accompanying cartoon will prepare you for the worst —whichever that may be, the seven tumblers or the seven volumes. ” ( Fredeman, Correspondence, 69. 91 ). The seven volumes refers to the volumes of Morris's epic poem The Earthly Paradise, which came out in (three) successive volumes between 1868-1870.

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