Giuseppe Maenza (d. 1870) was an Italian refugee and close friend of DGR's father. DGR was fond of him and stayed with Maenza and his wife at the home in Boulogne when he and Elizabeth were on their honeymoon (see his letter to WMR of 9 June 1860,
Fredeman, Correspondence, 60. 13
This collection contains 1 text or image, including:
National Museum of Wales pencil drawing
Scholarly Commentary
Giuseppe Maenza (d. 1870) was an Italian refugee and close friend of DGR's father. DGR was fond of him and stayed with Maenza and his wife at the home in Boulogne when he and Elizabeth were on their honeymoon (see his letter to WMR of 9 June 1860, Fredeman, Correspondence, 60. 13 ).