Three full-length biographical treatments of DGR appeared
before this Memoir by WMR, all by friends: these
are T. Hall
Caine's Recollections
of Dante Gabriel
Rossetti (1882), William Sharp's Dante
Gabriel Rossetti: A Record and A Study (1882),
and Joseph Knight's Life of
Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1887). WMR's
biography is by far the most important and comprehensive of the early
life studies. Like the
others, it treats various personal matters in discreet terms, but it
remains an invaluable resource because of the intimate relation that
always existed between the Rossetti brothers. While later biographical
works have added
important details and information, they do not supplant, but
supplement, this work by DGR's brother, who was his closest friend.
The work was published in two volumes. The biography, here
called a Memoir, comprises volume one; volume two contains a selection
from DGR's correspondence along with WMR's running commentary on the
This collection contains 2 texts and images, including:
Scholarly Commentary
Three full-length biographical treatments of DGR appeared before this Memoir by WMR, all by friends: these are T. Hall Caine's Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1882), William Sharp's Dante Gabriel Rossetti: A Record and A Study (1882), and Joseph Knight's Life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1887). WMR's biography is by far the most important and comprehensive of the early life studies. Like the others, it treats various personal matters in discreet terms, but it remains an invaluable resource because of the intimate relation that always existed between the Rossetti brothers. While later biographical works have added important details and information, they do not supplant, but supplement, this work by DGR's brother, who was his closest friend.
The work was published in two volumes. The biography, here called a Memoir, comprises volume one; volume two contains a selection from DGR's correspondence along with WMR's running commentary on the letters.