Rossetti Archive Textual Transcription
Document Title: A Welcome, Original Contributions in Poetry and Prose
Author: Emily Faithfull, editor
Date of publication: 1863
Publisher: Emily Faithfull
Printer: Emily Faithfull
full Rossetti Archive record for this transcribed document is available.
Transcription Gap: pages 1-117 (not by DGR)
Editorial Note (page ornament): First letter of first word in poem is an ornate block-T
THE lost days of my life until to-day,
- What were they, could I see them on the
- street
- Lie as they fell? Would they be ears of wheat
- Sown once for food but trodden into clay?
- Or golden coins squandered and still to pay?
- Or drops of blood dabbling the guilty feet?
- Or such spilt water as in dreams must cheat
- The throats of men in hell who thirst alway?
- I do not see them here; but after death
10God knows I know the faces I shall see,
- Each one a murdered self, with low last breath.
- “I am thyself,—what hast thou done to
- “And I—and I—thyself,” (lo! each one
- “And thou thyself to all eternity.”
D. G. Rossetti.
Transcription Gap: pages 119-291 (not by DGR)
Electronic Archive Edition: 1