Dante Gabriel Rossetti

F. G. Stephens

General Description

Date: 1894
Genre: critical study

Scholarly Commentary


F. G. Stephens (1828-1907), one of the original members of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, was Art Editor for the Athenaeum for forty years. As such his influence on late Victorian ideas about art was considerable. A good friend of DGR's, he kept the artist's name and work before the public in a regular way, scrupulously noticing DGR's work whenever it made a rare public appearance. Because he passed these critical notices to DGR before he published them, they bear the artist's “imprimatur”, and may be taken to reflect DGR's own views to some extent at any rate.

His full-length study of DGR appeared in 1894 as Portfolio Artistic Monographs No. 5. A second edition was issued in 1908.

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