Papers of the “M. S. Society”

John Lucas Tupper

General Description

Date: 1848-1849
Genre: mixed prose and poetry satire


◦ Coombs, James, ed. A Pre-Raphaelite Friendship: The Correspondence of William Holman Hunt and John Lucas Tupper (Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press, 1986).

Scholarly Commentary


This work, by John Tupper, Alexander Tupper, and George I. F. Tupper, is in five parts; three were published in The Germ no. 3 and the other two in no. 4. As WMR pointed out in his “Introduction” to the 1911 facsimile reprint, the work was hardly suited to the PRB's goals (pages 24-25). Nonetheless, WMR thought it an “exceedingly clever” work when he heard John Tupper read all or part of it in late November 1849 (see Fredeman, The P.R.B. Journal 29).

The title does not mean “Manuscript” but “possibly Medical Student Society”, according to WMR, who had forgotten its meaning, though he could say that “The whole thing is replete with semi-private sous-entendus, and banter at Free Trade, medical and anatomical matters, etc.” (page 24).

Printing History

Printed in The Germ no. 3, pages 131-136 and no. 4, pages 183-186.

Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Source File: jtupper004.raw.xml