Rossetti Archive Textual Transcription
Document Title: Huntington Library (Revise Page Proofs for sonnets He and I
and Love-Sweetness)
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Date of publication: 1870 March
Printer: Strangeways and Walden
full Rossetti Archive record for this transcribed document is available.
page: [1]
Manuscript Addition: House of Life
Editorial Description: DGR's note on the placement of the poem in the 1870 volume.
- Sweet dimness of her loosened hair's downfall
- About thy face; her sweet hands round thy head
- In gracious fostering union garlanded;
- Her tremulous smiles; her glances' sweet recall
- Of love; her murmuring sighs memorial;
- Her mouth's culled sweetness by thy kisses shed
- On cheeks and neck and eyelids, and so led
- Back to her mouth which answers there for all:—
- What sweeter than these things, except the thing
10 In lacking which all these would lose their
- The
full heart's confluent
confident heart's still fervour: the swift beat
- And soft subsidence of the spirit's wing,
- Then when it feels, in cloud-girt wayfaring,
- The breath of kindred plumes against its feet
page: [2]
Manuscript Addition: House of Life
Editorial Description: DGR's note on the placement of the poem in the 1870 volume.
- Whence came his feet into my field, and why?
- How is it that he sees it all so drear?
- How do I see his seeing, and how hear
- The name his bitter silence knows it by?
- This was the little fold of separate sky
- Whose pasturing clouds in the soul's atmosphere
- Drew living light from one continual year:
- How should he find it lifeless? He
, or I?
- Lo! this new Self now wanders round my field,
10 With plaints for every flower, and for each tree
- A moan, the sighing wind's auxiliary:
- And o'er sweet waters of my life, that yield
- Unto his lips no draught but tears unseal'd,
- Even in my place he weeps. Even I, not he.
Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Copyright: ©The Huntington Library