Rossetti Archive Textual Transcription
Document Title: An Excellent Ballad of Charity
Author: Thomas Chatterton
Date of Composition: 1880 May
Type of Manuscript: draft manuscript
Scribe: DGR
full Rossetti Archive record for this transcribed document is available.
page: [1]
Manuscript Addition: in slip[?]
Editorial Note: This note, in upper left corner, and “W. Loney” are added in pencil.
- In Virginè the sultry sun 'gan
- sheene
- And hot upon the meads did
- cast his ray:
- The apple ruddied from its paly
- green
- And the soft pear did bend
- the leafy spray;
- The pied chilàndry
x sang the
- livelong day:
- 'Twas now the pride, the manhood
- of the year,
- And eke the ground was dight in
- its most deft summer.
- The sun was gleaming in the mid
- of day,
- Dead still the air and eke the welkin
- blue,
10When from the sea arist in drear array
Transcribed Footnote (page [1]):
x Goldfinch
Transcribed Footnote (page [1]):
xx Used by Chatterton as “mantle”
Electronic Archive Edition: