This review-essay by Robert Buchanan (1841-1901)
touched off one of the most celebrated literary controversies of the
nineteenth century. Buchanan printed the review under a pseudonym,
Thomas Maitland, in the Contemporary Review
in October 1871. His authorship was quickly known. He expanded the
essay and published it as a pamphlet in 1872 under the title
The Fleshly School of
Poetry and Other Phenomena of the Day. In later
writings about DGR, however, Buchanan retracted most of the charges he
had brought in these early attacks.
This collection contains 1 text or image, including:
Contemporary Review text
Scholarly Commentary
This review-essay by Robert Buchanan (1841-1901) touched off one of the most celebrated literary controversies of the nineteenth century. Buchanan printed the review under a pseudonym, Thomas Maitland, in the Contemporary Review in October 1871. His authorship was quickly known. He expanded the essay and published it as a pamphlet in 1872 under the title The Fleshly School of Poetry and Other Phenomena of the Day. In later writings about DGR, however, Buchanan retracted most of the charges he had brought in these early attacks.
DGR (among others) responded to Buchanan's review with his own essay “The Stealthy School of Criticism”, published in December 1871 in the Athenaeum.