Dinner at Queens Square, 1868

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

General Description

Date: 1868 October 12
Genre: drama
Addressee: Ford Madox Brown


◦ Fredeman, Correspondence 68. 144

◦ Lindsay and Fredeman, “D. G. Rossetti's ‘The Death of Topsy’”. Victorian Poetry 13 (1975): 177-179.

Scholarly Commentary


DGR's letter to Madox Brown of 12 October 1868 contains a brief dramatic “spoof on Morris' swearing and eating habits” (Lindsay and Fredeman, 177). The skit is one of three surviving examples of this kind of occasional work that DGR liked to dash off for the amusement of his friends. They are in the same vein of comic nonsense exhibited in his various limericks.

Unlike this piece, the other two surviving dramatic skits carry titles supplied by DGR: “Miching Mallecho—It Means Mischief” and “The Death of Topsy”.

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