The King's Tragedy (Huntington Library Manuscript)
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Production Description
Document Title: The King's Tragedy
James I of Scots.
February, 1437}
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Date of composition: 1881
Type of Manuscript: fair copy with corrections
Collation: 51 notebook leaves
Scribe: DGR
Corrector: DGR
Current Location: Huntington Library
Catalog Number: HM6095
Physical Description
Paper: white lined notebook paper
Dimensions of Document: 18 x 11.2 cm
Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Copyright: © Huntington Library
page images | transcript
Scholarly Commentary
This is the printer's copy manuscript for the first publication of the poem in the 1881 Ballads and Sonnets volume. It is comprised of two distinct parts: a completed text of the unrevised version of the poem (45 leaves); and a transcript (6 leaves) of two parts of the poem that DGR altered and made additions to: lines 519-588 and 742-814. The manuscript concludes with a second copy of lines 568-572.
Textual History: Composition
The poem was composed between December 1880 and February 1881. This copy was made shortly afterwards and completed on 20 February 1881. The revised section (the 6 concluding leaves) would have been added shortly afterwards. The latter is a text that would itself be revised by DGR.