First Fire (fair copy, British Library)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Production Description

Document Title: First Fire
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Date of composition: 1871
Type of Manuscript: fair copy
Scribe: DGR
Corrector: DGR


Current Location: Ashley Library, British Library
Catalog Number: Ashley 3848

Physical Description

Paper: loose leaf of ruled white laid paper from one of DGR's typical notebooks
Dimensions of Document: 18.3 x 21.9 cm


  • Wise, Ashley Library IX. 115-116.

Scholarly Commentary


This is a copy made after the manuscript text of the poem in the Troxell Collection. This manuscript originally formed part of the set of notebook poems that DGR made for Jane Morris—the so-called Kelmscott Love Sonnets, now in the Bodleian Library. The latter is a collection of poems whose principal group is a set of sonnets DGR wrote to and for Mrs. Morris, principally in the summer of 1871.

Textual History: Composition

The date of composition is 1871, but this copy was also probably made later, around 1874.

Textual History: Revision

Originally part of the notebook he sent to Jane Morris in 1874, this poem was removed from the book, possibly because its treatment was too frankly erotic.

Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Copyright: By permission of the British Library