Rossetti Archive Textual Transcription
Document Title: A Song and Music
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Date of Composition: 1849
Type of Manuscript: corrected fair copy
Scribe: DGR
full Rossetti Archive record for this transcribed document is available.
page: [1r]
Manuscript Addition: I
Editorial Description: Notation in the upper right corner
- O leave th
ine hand
that lieth
where it lies cool
- Upon the
se eyes
; the
whose lids are hot.
- Its rosy shade is bountiful
- Of silence, and assuages
t thought.
- O
lay thy lips against th
ine hand
- And let me feel thy breath through it,
- While through the sense thy song
shall fit
- The soul to understand.
- The music lives upon my brain
10 Between th
ine hands within mine eyes:
- It stirs thy lifted throat like pain,
- An aching pulse of melodies.
- Lean nearer: let the music pause:
- The soul may better understand
Thy music,
thus shadowed
in th
ine hand,
Now while the
music's sound
song withdraws.
page: [1v]
Note: The prose text was clearly written by DGR as if for an imaginary monument to
be erected to Blake's memory.
Manuscript Addition: The Seed of David
Editorial Description: DGR's notation in the middle of the page
[Probably there is no character in which there
is so much of Shakespeare himself as
Hamlet except in Falstaff.
- Dear friend, if there be any bond
- Which friendship
[?] wins not much beyond,
- —So old and fond, since thought began;—
- It may be
that whose subtle span
- Binds Shakespeare to an English man.]
whose greatness may
be named even here
since it was
only less than
equalled by his goodness.
This tablet is
— years after his death
at the age of 68,
on the
12th of August, 1827;
in poverty & neglect;
by one who
honours his life
and works.]
- All beauty to pourtray,
- Therein his duty lay,
- And still, through toilsome strife,
- Duty to him was life.
O doubly blest, whose
Most thankful still that duty
- Lay in the paths of beauty!
Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Copyright: By permission of the Special Collections Library, Duke University