Rossetti Archive Textual Transcription
Document Title: Life and Works of William Blake (MS fragment)
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Date of Composition: 1880
Type of Manuscript: fair copy manuscript
Scribe: DGR
full Rossetti Archive record for this transcribed document is available.
page: [1]
- Love to faults is always blind,
- Always is to joy inclin'd,
- Lawless, winged and unconfin'd,
- And breaks all chains from every mind.
- Deceit, to secrecy inclin'd
- Moves lawful, courteous and refin'd,
- To everything but interest blind,
- And forges fetters for the mind.
- There souls of men are bought and sold,
10And milk-fed infancy, for gold,
- And youth to slaughter-houses led,
- And beauty, for a bit of bread.
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