Rossetti Archive Textual Transcription
Document Title: A Change
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Date of Composition: 1848
Type of Manuscript: fair copy corrected
Scribe: DGR
full Rossetti Archive record for this transcribed document is available.
page: [1r]
Manuscript Addition: (7 m.)
Editorial Description: Notation at lower right indicating it was written in seven minutes.
One would scarce
ly think that we can be the same
- Who used, in those old childish Junes, to creep
- With held breath through the underwood, and leap
- Outside into the sun. Since this
word Fame
mine aim
Was first heard by my soul
Took my soul to itself, the joy which came
- Into my eyes at once, sits hushed and deep;
- And even the grief moans not, but falls asleep
- And has ill dreams. For you—your very name
- Seems altered to mine ears, and cannot send
The heat into
Heat to my cheeks, as in those
very old
Gone Days
in which we lived
indeed with a real life.
- Yet why should we feel shame, my dear sweet friend?
- Are they most honoured who without a scar
- Pace forth, all trim and fresh, from the splashed strife?
Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Copyright: By permission of the Special Collections Library, Duke University