Rossetti Archive Textual Transcription
Document Title: The Church Porches. II. (To C. G. R.)
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Date of Composition: 1869
Type of Manuscript: letter
Scribe: William Bell Scott
full Rossetti Archive record for this transcribed document is available.
page: [1]
Manuscript Addition: DGR at Newcastle—1853
Editorial Description: Scott's note at the top right of the manuscript
- Sister, arise: we have no more to sing
- Or say. The priest abideth as is meet
- To minister. Rise up out of thy seat,
- Though peradventure 'tis an irksome thing
- To cross again the threshold of our King,
- Where his doors stand against the evil street,
- And let each step increase upon our feet
- The dust we shook from them at entering.
- Must we of very sooth go home, the air
10 Whose heat outside makes mist that can be seen,
- Is very clear and cool where we have been.
- The priest abideth ministering. Lo!
- As he for service, why not we for prayer?
- It is so bidden, sister, let us go.
Electronic Archive Edition: 1
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