Rossetti Archive Textual Transcription
Document Title: Afterwards
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Date of Composition: 1848
Type of Manuscript: Draft manuscript
full Rossetti Archive record for this transcribed document is available.
page: [1]
Note: “17.” is written before the title, to indicate the
poem's number in the sonnet sequence. In addition, beside the title lies a
plus sign written in ink. A final note at the bottom records that the sonnet was completed in 7 minutes.
- She opened her moist crimson lips to sing;
- And from her throat that is so white and full
- The notes leaped like a fountain. A smooth lull
- Was o'er my heart: as when a viol-string
- Having been broken,
and the
first musical ring
- Once over, – all the rest is but a dull
Crude dissonanceEcholess jar, howe'er thou twist and pull
- The sundered fragments. A most weary thing
- It is within the perished heart to seek
10Pain, and not find it; but a sort of pall
- Like sleep upon the mind. A cold set plan
- Of life then comes; and grief that is not weak
- Because it hath no tears. Say, can'st thou call
- This life a life, friend, or this man a man.
G 7 m.
Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Copyright: Special Collection Library, Duke University