Forese Donati. “Sonnet (Forese to Dante). He taunts him concerning the unavenged Spirit of Geri Alighieri.”

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

General Description

Date: 1859
Rhyme: ababababcdcdcd
Meter: iambic pentameter
Genre: sonnet


“Introduction to Part II” (in Early Italian Poets) 189-193

◦ Foster and Boyde (text) I.150-151

◦ Foster and Boyde (commentary) II.247-248

Scholarly Commentary


Scholars remain puzzled to this day about the precise point of Forese's sonnet attacking Dante. He is responding to Dante's sonnet which ridicules Forese's family's poverty, but his poem appears to have a specific focus that no one has yet elucidated. DGR's translation remains close to the original, which he found in Luigi Fiacchi's Scelta di Rime Antiche (page 13).

Textual History: Composition

Probably a later translation, perhaps 1860. DGR's manuscript copy of the original Italian sonnet survives.

Printing History

The translation was first published in 1861 in The Early Italian Poets; it was reprinted unaltered in 1874 in Dante and his Circle.

Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Source File: 137d-1861.raw.xml