On W. H. Deverell's The Banishment of Hamlet

Dante Gabriel Rossetti?

William Michael Rossetti?

General Description

Date: 1851 April
Genre: art criticism


◦ Marcia Allentuck “A New Rossetti Prose Critique of Deverell?” PBSA (Vol. 72, 1978) 235-237

Scholarly Commentary


We know that DGR wrote some of the art criticism assigned to his brother after WMR became art critic for The Spectator at the end of 1850 (see for example the notice of Ford Madox Brown's important painting Geoffrey Chaucer Reading the Legend of Custance to Edward III). Although WMR did not print this review of Deverell as the work of DGR, Marcia Allentuck has persuasively argued that the notice was probably written by DGR, not WMR.

Printing History

Printed in The Spectator (19 April 1851) and reprinted in Allentuck's essay.

Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Source File: 11p-1851.raw.xml