For the Holy Family by Michelangelo (in the National Gallery) (Rosenbach Library copy)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Production Description

Document Title: For the Holy Family

by Michelangelo

in the National Gallery
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Date of composition: 1880
Type of Manuscript: fair copy
Collation: 1 page
Scribe: DGR


Current Location: Rosenbach Library

Physical Description

Dimensions of Document: 8 7/8 x 7 1/16 in.
Other Physical Features: This sonnet (as well as seven others) is written on paper identical with the paper carrying the Rosenbach Library's fair copy of “Transfigured Life”.

Scholarly Commentary


This fair copy manuscript is the earlier of two that come down to us; the other is at Princeton.

Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Copyright: By permission of the Rosenbach Library