Poems. A New Edition (Signature A, partial, Princeton copy 1)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Production Description

Document Title: [Untitled]
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Printer: Strangeways and Walden
City of publication: London
Date of publication: 1881 June
Pagination: [vii]
Authorization: DGR
Corrector: DGR


Current Location: Princeton U. Library, Troxell Collection
Catalog Number: 23310

Physical Description

Dimensions of Document: 19 x 12.8 cm

Scholarly Commentary


This is a page from the second revise proof for the front matter of DGR's 1881 Poems. A New Edition. It was probably printed off in June 1881. From this was printed the final proof for the edition, a perfect copy of which is preserved in the library of the Delaware Art Museum.

The duplicate of this page, with DGR's more explicit note to the printer, is also at Princeton. That copy also has one further correction to the text.

Textual History: Revision

DGR revised the initial proofs for the front matter for this book twice, and the library of the Delaware Art Museum preserves six partial sets of earlier proofs for this signature where one can track DGR's successive acts of revision. In addition to a complete final proof, Delaware has a corrected copy of pages i-iv plus an uncorrected revise for those pages; two copies (both partial) of the first author's proof, copy 1 and copy 2; and two partial copies of the first revise, copy 1 and copy 2 , both also with revisions. Besides this proof page, the Princeton Library has another duplicate corrected proof page.

Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Copyright: Used with permission of Princeton University. From the Princeton University Library, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections. All rights reserved. Redistribution or republication in any medium requires express written consent from Princeton University Library. Permissions inquiries should be addressed to Associate University Librarian, Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library.